Kevin and Eli had collaborated with Jpop JAMOSA for her latest song "Together".
And the MV Finally released!
Kevin and Eli singing in Japanese are a bit weird for me. xD
But I love this song like hell! x)
The MV is sweeet with ELVIN couple :'3
ELVIN looks like angel here. TT
Melts........ ><
By the way,
Eli, you really are Ubiquitous guys!!
He rap for about 40++ seconds
and this is the longest I've heard Eli rap :DDD
plus in the other language too!!
For Kevin..
I think his voice become deeper in this song. @@
He don't need to sing every high note.
He always given high note in U-Kiss but his voice actually isn't that high..
Love you Kevin Oppa!
You are super duper cute and awesome!
U-Kiss Daebak!
Kevin Eli Jamosa Go go go! fighting!
Neomu Saranghae :)

Seriously looks like angel TT