I want to learn U-Kiss-Neverland dance step!! :D
♥ ♥ ♥
Love your smile
Love your eyes
Love your new hair
Love your angelic voice
Love your way of dance
Love your skinny body
Love your feathers outfit
Love your everything
I'm going to insane because of KEVIN. ♥ Omo! michyeoseo! ><
jeongmal gwiyeobda~
♥ Wakakakakaka~
But it's really hard for me to learn the steps of Neverland. - -
Wuli namja moves too fast. x)
So I watch the slow version of Neverland dance in Youtube.
Lol. A bit weird. =w=
But the more slow Kevin move,
the more hotter Kevin Looks! xDD
I know, I'm insane and abnormal. ><
Another Video. :)
Soohyun move to wrong location at about 2.0
He looks awkward. ><
Then Kevin smile to him and continue dance. :D
Hoon chuckle at back there! xDD
Omo! So cute larh them xD ♥
Seriously in love with WN. x) ♥
Kevin oppa,
jongmal jowa your new hairstyle!! ♥ :D
Melting when looking at oppa smile. TT ♥
Another cute cartoon version U-Kiss ♥

Can you guess who is who in this pic? :DD
That's right!
Kevin is the one that hugging blue pillow.
Dongho is the one that sleep besides Kevin.
Kiseop is the one that eating under the bed.
Xander is the one that holding a cap.
AJ is the one hiding under the bed.
Soohyun is the one that at the corner.
Hoon is the one that besides Soohyun.
Kibum is the one that standing.
Eli is the one that sit besides Kevin.
Tell me if I've guess wrong. :))
9 person together...
So far I doesn't saw before 9 former and current members of U-Kiss together...
Seriously, I really miss Kibum and Xander!! =(
Looking at this pic,
I feel like if U-Kiss really are 9 person but not 7,
I'll be very glad...
Miss the moment they laugh together
and fooling around in U-Kiss Vampire and Chef Kiss.
But deep inside all KissMes heart,
We believe that U-Kiss forever 7+2.
Soo Hyun
♥ Kevin ♥ Eli ♥ Ki Seop ♥ Dong Ho ♥ AJ ♥ Hoon
Xander ♥ Ki Bum
UKISSME Daebak!! :')